On this page are all the committees and issues of the 2022 conference.
The Theme of HMUN 2022 was Human Rights: Establishing a world of equal and justice.
More information about a committee can be found by clicking on its name. Right underneath the committee, one can read the names of the presidents or chairs and the issues. If you click on an issue, you can download its research report and start preparing for that particular issue. For the Expert Committee, the information that has been sent to
those delegates by their chairs can be found by clicking on the issue, just as with the other committees.
General Assembly
GA1 – International Security and Disarmament
GA3 – Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural
Tackling the Humanitarian Crisis in the Central Sahel Region
Implementing Measures to Prevent Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia
GA4 – Special Political and Decolonization
Commissions and Councils
Historical Security Council (HSC)
Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC)
Taking Measures to Improve the Working Conditions in Developing Countries
Countering the Global Increase of Mental Disorders and Mental Health Instabilities
Group of Twenty (G20)
Implementing Guidelines to Ensure Fair Tax Distribution in Multinationals
Combating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in All Major Industrial Nations
Tackling the Issue of Trade Induced Conflicts and their Negative Effects on the Global Economy
Addressing the Issue of the Repressing of the Chinese Uyghurs in Xinjiang
Discussing the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
Combatting Inequality and Discrimination of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Association of south-eastern Asian Nations (ASEAN+)
Discussing the Violation of Human Rights during the Rohingya Genocide and Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar
Implementing Measures to Combat the Use of Children as Soldiers
Implementing Measures to Prevent Child Labour in Less Economically Developed Countries
Tackling the Issue of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment of Children
Environmental Committee (EC)
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
Expert Committee (ExCom)
Ensuring the return of ancient and cultural artifacts from former colonizers
Protecting cultural sites in warzones
Improving inclusivity in climate change policies regarding albinism and other disabilities